The top management of the school is firmly structured and students and staff are divided into director and tutor groups each under the directorship of a senior member of staff, a proven system which affords each student the best possible opportunity to be nurtured, stimulated and engaged, thus enabling them to reach their true potential. For a complete list of Moodle tutorials and training, check. Moodle is our gateway to several other services. Moodle can be used to post content, collect assignments, manage grades, check for plagiarism, and much more. It is also our sincere desire to acknowledge, nurture and grow each individual student by recognizing and celebrating the contribution that they make. What is Moodle Our learning management system (LMS) is Moodle and is available at the MyKing’s page by clicking Moodle on the left menu. King David seeks to provide students with the widest possible choices to participate in and to “own” their school and foster a true sense of belonging. As a member of the Cambridge Schools Leadership for. Word (Test Course) This is just a dummy course to test out the features within Moodle. Notes placed on Moodle in advance of lectures is very helpful, and relevant caselaw placed there by topic is of huge assistance. Fieldstone School is a private primary, co-educational, middle and secondary school in Toronto, Canada. Excel (Test Course) This is a dummy course to test out the feature of Moodle.

(Please register your attendance for Open Morning) Headteacher's Welcome. Open Morning Thursday 15th September - 10am. Open Evening Tuesday 13th September - 5.30pm-8.30pm.
The key philosophy in the nurturing of a King David High School leaver is to produce a mensch with self-respect and respect for others, an individual of empathy, humility, imagination, capable of critical thought and concern for the needs of others one who has accountability, the ability to communicate effectively and to be a holistically well-rounded person, equipped with the resources to take up the challenges in all areas of life: spiritually, emotionally, academically, culturally and on the sports field. Welcome to Kings Online Learning Experience. Moodle Temporarily Offline - Thursday, 24th of February (6:30am to 7:30am AEST) by Access Training and Education - Wednesday, 23 February 2022, 1:20 PM ATE will, again be conducting maintenance on Moodle on Thursday, 24 th of February. Welcome to King Edward VI Northfield School for Girls. This has been achieved by producing graduates who have excelled in both the general and Jewish domains.

King David High School Linksfield was established in 1955 as a community school and proudly maintains its status as one of the premier Jewish Day Schools, both in South Africa as well as internationally.